Gold for Filler and Batkowski

Medal fight between Germany and Poland ended in a dead heat

Sarajevo,  Bosnia  &  Hercegovina:  The  new  European Straight Pool Champions  are  Joshua Filler  (GER)  in  the  pupil’s  division  and  Sebastian Batkowski (POL) in the junior’s  division. Filler  started  out  nervous  in his  match  with  Krystian Cwikla (POL).  Cwikla  went  ahead  and took an early  31:4 lead.  He played much  calmer  and  seemed  to  be more  focussed  than  Filler.  But Filler  never  gave  in.  He  stayed  in the  match  and  Cwikla  committed some  unforced  errors.  Filler brutally  punished  that  by  running 45  balls   on  Cwikla  to  turn  the score  65:37  in  his  favor.  That shocked Cwikla.  He could  not  find his  way  back  into  the  match  and allowed  Filler  to  take  the  points needed to win the match and the Championship title with 75:43.

The new Champions Joshua Filler (left) and Sebastian Batkowski in their moment of glory
The new Champions Joshua Filler (left) and Sebastian Batkowski in their moment of glory

In  the  junior’s  division,  Batkowski  found  a  tough  match  with  Tobias Bongers  (GER). The match was even for a long time. But then Batkowski ran 76 balls  in two consecutive innings on Bongers,  suddenly  leading 76:50.  Bongers hung in there and  tried  but  it  was  not  enough for  the strong Pole.  100:85 was the  result  in  the  end  in  favor  of  Batkowski.  Germany  and  Poland  shared  the medals  and  drew  level  in  the  medal  table  after  the  first  of  five  events  in  the Youth Championships.

The  award  ceremony  for  the  straight  pool  competition  will  be  held  in conjunction with the award ceremony for 10-ball on Monday. The  event  will  continue  tomorrow  at  09:00  CET  with  the  10-ball competition.
The  event  is  hosted  by  the  European  Governing  Body  for  Pool,  the European  Pocket  Billiard  Federation  (EPBF)  and  organized  by  International Billiard Promotion (IBP).  For further information and reference please go to the federation website or contact our press office.

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