First Amateur WPBL Tournament held in Phoenix


First Amateur WPBL Tournament held in Phoenix

Scott Frost and Rodney Morris Host Bonus Ball Exhibition

LAS VEGAS, NV (January 15, 2014)

The World Professional Billiard Leagueheld their first amateur tournament in Phoenix, AZ on January 11, 2014. The tournament which featured the game of Bonus Ball, had a division for bothmen and women.

Michael Bates owner of Bull Shooters hosted the event with the assistance of Tres Kane and Phoenix Fire captain Scott Frost. The facility which boasts 44 tables under 20,000 sq. ft. of space, drew 30 participants and numerous spectators. Fans and players gathered at noon for a two hour exhibition instructed by Frost, Chicago Rockets captain Rodney Morris and WPBL President Larry Chiborak. The exhibition consisted of teaching the six pocket amateur version of Bonus Ball.  The rules for this version only require the use of one specialty shot, all six pockets and is handicapped for all amateurs to play.

Rodney Morris, Lenny Marshall, Larry Chiborak, Ed Gonzalez, Scott Frost - Photo Credit Mike Brown/WPBL
Rodney Morris, Lenny Marshall, Larry Chiborak, Ed Gonzalez, Scott Frost – Photo Credit Mike Brown/WPBL

The double elimination tournament was won by Ed Gonzalez in the Men’s Division with Lenny Marshall as runner-up. Susan Wilbur took the top spot in the Women’s Division and Sara Miller came in second; in addition, Abie Padilla took home a new set of Bonus Ball as the raffle prize winner.Gonzalez, who frequently watches the pro matches on the WPBL websitewas so impressed with the event he had this to say about the WPBL and Bonus Ball “first class….I see this game going places”. Miller stated she was skeptical at first, although “after playing a couple of games…it was awesome…I have fallen in love with playing”.

Group photo incl.  (L-R) Rodney Morris, Larry Chiborak, Scott Frost - Photo Credit Mike Brown/WPBL
Group photo incl. (L-R) Rodney Morris, Larry Chiborak, Scott Frost – Photo Credit Mike Brown/WPBL

The WPBL has plans of hosting exhibitions and amateur tournaments in the US after the conclusion of the league championship in February. Larry Chiborak was pleased with the response from those in attendance saying “we know this is a new game and some may think it is only for the pros….we want everyone to know that players of all levels can play the game of Bonus Ball…and will continue to bring the game directly to our fans through similar events in 2014”.

The complete amateur version of Bonus Ball rules are available at:

Please follow the WPBL as the playoffs draw near, additional announcements and updates will be made frequently. For a complete listing of broadcast matches, standings, merchandise and more visit the WPBL website.


Media Contact:
Kimberly Spies
800-951-9250 ext. 1

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