New OB Jump Cues

New OB Jump Cues

Does your game need a Lift?…Introducing the all new OB Lift & Lift Pro jump cues. We now have jump cues! The OB Lift at $150 and the OB Lift Pro at $200 have just been released. Our jump cues have been designed to assist accuracy above all else. All jump cues jump but not all jump cues help you to be more accurate. If your game needs a lift then a new jump cue from OB may be just what the Dr ordered.

OB Lift Pro Specs:

13mm OB Jump Tip
Patented laminated maple ferrule
North American maple shaft
3/8×10 wood to wood joint
18″ two piece butt construction
Micro 3/8×10 jump joint
Midnight blue stain
MSRP $200

OB Lift Specs:

13mm OB Jump Tip
Patented laminated maple ferrule
North American maple shaft
3/8×10 wood to wood joint
12″ one piece butt construction
Midnight blue stain
MSRP $150

The jump cues will start shipping at the end of April. You can order online directly from OB or you can contact your nearest dealer for availability and pricing. OB is headquartered in Plano, Texas and is a leading manufacturer of High Performance Pool Cues and Pool Cue Shafts made 100% in the USA since 2005. For more information on OB Cues or OB shafts or to become an authorized dealer, please visit

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