Kozoom is covering the World 9-Ball Championships


The Qatari Billiards & Snooker Federation „QBSF“ have signed up Kozoom Productions to produce the live stream at this years 9-ball world championships in Qatar.

Kozoom Productiions, probably the leading producer of billiards via the internet, are currently building the web page that will show all 14 tables live throughout the entire event. Kozoom Productions are also supplying the live scoring system to keep every pool fan on their toes with instant scoring on all matches, starting with the qualifiers on the 16th of June.

With the finals scheduled for the 27th of June and only one day break between stage 1 & 2, means a complete 11 days of fantastic action coming your way. All this information will be available on the official website of the QBSF in the next few days. The web site is www.qbsf.qa

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