CSI Releases Pro Challenge Matches on CSI YouTube Channel

CSI Releases Pro Challenge Matches on CSI YouTube Channel

csi_newsCueSports International, Henderson, Nevada (October 27, 2014) – CSI is pleased to announce that three high-profile challenge matches have been released on the CSI YouTube channel.  During the 2014 CSI Invitational Championships, the following three challenge matches were recorded and are now available absolutely free.

CSI Presents…The Kamui Challenge
Shane Van Boening vs. Ko, Pin-Yi
10-Ball, Race to 21
Link: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLdCfnbGD70QXjpmwFyXTd6UciyUhGcIm-

Since 2011, Shane Van Boening has been the top performing player in the USA and arguably the world.  He has been featured in numerous challenge matches with an incredible winning record, often beating his opponents by huge margins.  Ko, Pin-Yi, a Taiwan superstar but relatively unknown in the USA, also possesses an impressive list of accomplishments.  Many believe that Ko is one of the few players in the world that can match Van Boening’s break and explosiveness.  You be the judge.

CSI Presents…The OB Challenge
Mike Dechaine & Corey Deuel vs. Efren Reyes & Francisco Bustamante
Scotch Doubles 8-Ball, Race to 21
Link: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLdCfnbGD70QUbCNeZI2YQIZR_ImA1IADx

Rarely do fans have an opportunity to see and hear the strategies and thoughts of top professionals.  In this scotch doubles 8-ball match, Mike Dechaine and Corey Deuel are outfitted with microphones so fans can hear them communicating throughout the match.  Opposing them are two of the best to ever play the game – Efren Reyes and Franciso Bustamante.  The outcome of this USA vs. Philippines match-up may surprise you.

CSI Presents…The Tiger Challenge
Dennis Orcollo vs. Chang, Jung-Lin
9-Ball, Race to 21
Link: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLdCfnbGD70QX_Cbz1KR0mAJeyzdc0Z040

Dennis Orcollo, yet another Filipino star, has become one of the most feared players on the planet.  However, Chang, Jung-Lin, Taiwan’s #2 player, did not hesitate to accept this match.  Although relatively unknown in the USA, Chang proves that he belongs on the main stage.  The ending of this match left many people simply saying “WOW!”

Please subscribe to the CSI YouTube channel to watch these exciting matches absolutely free!

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