Checkbilliard revolutionizes personalized billiard training

Salzburg, Jan. 2015 – The personal billiards trainer in your pocket! The world-renowned player and coach Ralph Eckert and Checkbilliard Ltd., have successfully implemented their innovative and original vision of a training system for billiards.  After over three years of development, SpryFlash Interactive Services and Checkbilliard have teamed up to provide this billiards training app, offering hundreds of exercises, a vast video library, combined with numerous tests and personal analyses.   Beginners, intermediate and advanced players can gain valuable tips from world-class and professional players, like Ralf Souquet.  Checkbilliard  is the only training system recommended by the World Pool-Billiard Association (WPA) and the European Federation (EPBF).  Effective immediately, billiards enthusiasts can get all the information about the app on and can download the app, which works on smartphones and tablets, for free.

check_billiard_the_new_standardRalph Eckert, with his decades of experience as a top billiards trainer, professional player and author, states, „Perseverance, ambition and discipline lead to nothing if you have no compass“.  Checkbilliard represents this “compass”, building off of the world-renowned PAT training books, and providing a logical structure for systematic learning.  Whether in the finest billiard centers in the world, in the game room, or in your own home – All you need is a pool table to get started acquiring the basic knowledge and skills needed, in order to succeed in the fascinating game of billiards. Checkbilliard is designed to help all players, even advanced players, and world-ranked professionals.

Ralf Souquet praises the app, and values the original features, videos and training possibilities. “Simply fantastic! The perfect training app for any player – from beginners to pros. This app is a great asset for everyone!“  A great endorsement, from the two-time world champion, who is considered as one of the most successful international professionals and is a member of the Billiard Congress of America’s Hall of Fame. His unerring expertise is
recognized worldwide.

„A lot of work still lies ahead…“, says Robert Windl, Managing Director of Checkbilliard Ltd., „… because the app is being constantly upgraded and expanded. Currently we are focusing heavily on expanding our video library, but the app is expanding in many exciting directions. Videos featuring guest coaches, offering their special tips and tricks, a GPS based player finder, guided group training for clubs or teams, right up to augmented reality and private video analysis – the possibilities are limitless! And in marketing, we have created with partners such as associations, organizations and companies an attractive affiliate program which is offered to individuals as well.“

About the App:
Special badges, certificates and ranking points can be earned at Checkbilliard partners and official examiners, worldwide. A portion of all examination fees is donated to the youth development section, of the World Pool-Billiard Association (WPA). Checkbilliard is proud to be endorsed by international organizations such as the WPA and EPBF.  In light of recent positive communications with other international major organizations we are confident that official recommendations will also be solidified in the near future.

The free version of the app offers a full selection of tests, evaluations, rankings and videos. For the fee-paying „Goldmembers“ there is additional in-depth, personal analysis, individual workouts, customized training and special videos. „The complete development and programming is self-financed …“ explains Romana Windl, Checkbilliard’s financial manager, proudly.  „… and for our customers’ security, we are working together with highly reputable partners for accounting and payments, certified by PCI DSS  –  the highest standard in electronic payments“.

With a team of committed specialists, Checkbilliard has the right people to stay at the cutting edge of technology.  Optimizing billiard training to a new educational level, through the use of modern smartphones, video, and internet technologies, has been long overdue.  After the initial release, within a short time, without any advertising, the app spread like wildfire around
the globe with several thousand registered users worldwide. Numerous requests have already been made for translations into other languages. With Checkbilliard available, the bar has just been raised, for billiard training. The sport of billiards, worldwide, will benefit greatly
from the Checkbilliard training app.

For further inquiries, please contact:
Robert Windl, CEO Checkbilliard Ltd.
Fachmarktstrasse 1
A-5071 Wals / Salzburg – AUSTRIA
Tel: +43 – 664 – 411 92 60

Additional information:
Videos: “How to use the app!”

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