2015 PartyPoker Mosconi Cup – Shane takes the early lead


3rd March, 2015 PartyPoker Mosconi Cup

Shane takes the early lead

SHANE VAN BOENING, looking to make his ninth appearance in the PartyPoker USA Mosconi Cup, is the early leader in the nine tournament qualification series for the three automatic spots.

So far, four events have been played and Van Boening carries a 12 point lead over second placed Justin Bergman, following a strong showing at the recent USBTC in Reno, which included winning the 9 ball division.

The third automatic spot is currently occupied by Jeremy Sossei on 26 points, with Skyler Woodward and Scott Frost both snapping at his heels on 25 points.

Players who finish in the top 32 in the qualifying events will receive ranking points and there are three categories of tournaments with differing amounts of points awarded accordingly.

The next event in the series is the Super Billiards Expo which takes place from 16-19 April in Oaks, outside of Philadelphia. This is a Category2 event.

The PartyPoker Mosconi Cup takes place from 7th to 10th December this year at a venue to be named in the near future. Ranking lists will be published on www.matchroompool.com as well as the Facebook page and Twitter feed of the Mosconi Cup. Additional events can and may be added to this list should they materialise.

The Ranking

1. Shane Van Boening (SD) 39
2. Justin Bergman (IL) 27
3. Jeremy Sossei (CT) 26
4. Skyler Woodward (KY) 25
5. Scott Frost (AZ) 25
6. Corey Deuel (CA) 19
7. Oscar Dominguez (CA) 16
8. Brian Deska (WA) 15
T9 Steve Knoll (FL) 14
T9 Danny Olson (SD) 14

2015 PARTYPOKER Mosconi Cup is sponsored by PartyPoker, the world’s leading online poker site. The Official Table of the Mosconi Cup is supplied by Diamond Billiards, the cloth is supplied by Iwan Simonis and the Official Balls are Super Aramith by Saluc. Predator is the Official Cue of the event.

Luke Riches, Matchroom Sport: luke.riches@matchroom.com

Notes: Matchroom Sport are one of the world’s leading producers of televised sport and are responsible for over 1,000 hours of original programming across a range of sports. Based in the UK and chaired by charismatic founder Barry Hearn, the Mosconi Cup is one of a stable of pool events that include the World Cup of Pool and the World Pool Masters.

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