US Open 10-Ball & 8-Ball Championships Qualifiers!

csi_newsCueSports International, Henderson, Nevada (April 8, 2015)CSI encourages you to host a qualifier for the upcoming 2015 US Open 10-Ball and 8-Ball Championships to be held in Las Vegas, NV July 24-31, 2015! Both events will be held at the Rio All-Suite Hotel & Casino during the BCAPL National Championships and be played on 7ft Diamond tables with Cyclop balls. They are open to anyone and no BCAPL or CSI membership is required.

Each event will be $15,000 added and limited to the first 128 paid entries. The total prize fund, based on full fields, will be $53,500 for each event and $107,000 total! Additionally, both are USA Team Mosconi Cup points events. The entry fee is only $350 for each event.

1. Promote Your Room! Your room’s name will be listed as a qualifier location on the CSI website and will be promoted on the CSI Facebook page.
2. Attract Customers! Qualifiers for prestigious events such as these will attract players and spectators to your room.
3. Earn a Modest Profit! Although many local tournaments do not charge green fees or administrative fees, it is acceptable for the person organizing and conducting the qualifier to be reasonably compensated for his or her time and effort.

1. Visit and download the Qualifier Application.
2. Choose a format that is best suited for your area.
3. Complete the application and submit online, email, fax, or postal mail.
4. Wait for application approval. If approved, your qualifier will be listed on the upcoming events page of and the official webpage of the 2015 US Open Championships.
5. Conduct the qualifier and submit the results, entry form, and entry fee(s) of the winner(s) to CSI.

Official Webpage:
Qualifiers for the US Open 10-Ball and 8-Ball Championships will be listed on this page.

CSI is the parent company of the BCA Pool League (BCAPL), USA Pool League (USAPL) and also produces independent events such as the US Bar Table Championships, Jay Swanson Memorial, US Open One Pocket, US Open 8-Ball, US Open 10-Ball, and the CSI Invitationals. Visit,, or for more information.

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