Albin Ouschan conquers Dynamic Billard Dutch Open 2015 title


In a final that was mainly determined by one man, Albin Ouschan (AUT) defeated „The Maharaja“ Imran Majid (GBR) clearly with 9:2.

The early stage of the final match was determined by equal shotmaking of both players. Consequently, the scoreboard displayed 2:2 after four racks. In rack six, the referee called a foul shot on Majid which he disagreed with. However, Ouschan got to the table and managed to get a two-point lead for the first time in the match. It turned out that this situation became the turning point in the final. Ouschan had some luck with his safety play but in the end did not allow Majid to win any more rack. He played consistently and paved his way to glory with solid pool and excellent shotmaking. 9:2 was the final result which brought Ouschan the victory at the Dynamic Billard Dutch Open.

Albin Ouschan (AUT) - Photo: EPBF
Albin Ouschan (AUT) – Photo: EPBF

„I was lucky at times with my safety play,“ admitted Ouschan after the match, „but all in all I think I have played some good pool here.“ „I have won the China Open this year, been Nr. 1 on the WPA rankings, played the World Cup of Pool and the Challenge of Champions recently and now came here to win the Euro-Tour. I think I’m ready for a little break to enjoy life with my girl-friend and our newly born daughter.“

In the semi-final, Majid got the better of Jonni Fulcher (GBR), winning clearly with 9:4. It was really a one man show by Majid who was leading 5:0 at some stage. The other semi-final between Ouschan and Sebastian Ludwig (GER) was a bit closer. After 12 racks, the match was tied at 6:6. Then Ouschan got the better roll of the balls and turned the match into a 9:6 victory for himself, defeating a strong Ludwig who has had two third-place finishes in a row.

Top Eight Ranked Players of the Dynamic Billard Dutch Open

1. Albin Ouschan AUT
2. Imran Majid GBR
3. Jonni Fulcher GBR
3. Sebastian Ludwig GER
5. Mark Gray GBR
5. Nick van den Berg NED
5. Denis Grabe EST
5. Francisco Sanchez ESP

Top Ten Ranked Players of the EPBF Euro-Tour Ranking

1. Niels Feijen NED 2580
2. Mark Gray GBR 2250
3. Nick van den Berg NED 2210
4. Albin Ouschan AUT 2190
5. Mario He AUT 2165
6. Petri Makkonen FIN 2140
7. Marcus Chamat SWE 2085
7. Francisco Sanchez ESP 2085
9. Francisco Diaz ESP 2050
10. Nick Ekonomopoulos GRE 2015

That concludes the coverage of the 2015 Dynamic Billard Dutch Open in the Golden Tulip Jagershorst Hotel in Leende, The Netherlands.

More information about participants, schedules, achievements, rankings, etc can be found on the event website

The event was hosted by the European Pocket Billiard Federation EPBF and organized by International Billiard Promotion Foundation IBPF.

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