FargoRate Predicts USA Mosconi Cup Victory

csi_newsCueSports International, Henderson, NV (Nov. 13, 2015) – Since 1994, the Mosconi Cup has featured the best players from USA and Europe to compete head-to-head in singles, doubles, and team formats until one team wins eleven matches. Since its inception, USA has eleven victories compared to Europe’s nine. Coming into 2015 however, Europe has won five consecutive years and is looking for its sixth. The event will be held Dec. 7-10 at the Tropicana in Las Vegas, NV.

Does Team USA have the talent to defeat Team Europe? According to FargoRate, the answer is a resounding YES. If you subscribe to the idea that adding the ratings of the players on a team indicates their cumulative skill level, Team USA actually has the advantage. As of today, Team USA has a combined rating of 3,950 while Team Europe’s rating is 3,924. This suggests that Team USA has a slight statistical edge in the 2015 Mosconi Cup.

fargorate_logo_tr_500pxTEAM USA
Shane Van Boening (818)
Mike Dechaine (800)
Justin Bergman (798)
Skylar Woodward (769)
Corey Deuel (765)
Total (3,950)
Avg. (790)

Niels Feijen (802)
Darren Appleton (791)
Nick Van Den Berg (778)
Karl Boyes (777)
Albin Ouschan (776)
Total (3,924)
Avg. (785)

Obviously, no rating system can account for intangible factors such as team cohesiveness, how a player will handle the immense pressure, etc. However, it does show that Team USA has a slightly higher overall skill level. Therefore, the FargoRate prediction is a thrilling match with Team USA defeating Team Europe by a very small margin.

FargoRate computes worldwide pool-player ratings by coupling game win/loss data from leagues, tournaments, and select challenge matches around the globe. Unlike any other system ever developed, it accurately rates all players on the same scale. A Fargo Rating of 620 means the same thing in Halifax, Nova Scotia as it does in Christchurch, New Zealand as it does in Phoenix, Arizona.

To learn more about FargoRate and to see the top 100 lists, visit www.fargorate.com. To lookup players in the FargoRate database, find a fair match between two players, or see the statistical odds of any match, visit http://fairmatch.fargorate.com/.

CueSports International (CSI) / 2041 Pabco Rd., Henderson, NV 89011 / (702) 719-7665 / 866-USA-POOL

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