Jasmin Ouschan conquers another title for her collection


Jasmin Ouschan conquers another title for her collection

Jasmin Ouschan (AUT) just won the Dynamic Billard Italian Open for Women in Treviso, Italy, with an easy 7:1 victory over Christine Wiechert (GER).

It was Wiechert’s first appearance in a Euro-Tour final and she has had already several tough matches behind her so she seemed to be a bit tired and worn out already. Her opponent was completely the opposite. Ouschan is used to final matches and TV settings and long final days so she was very much on top of her game. That constellation was proven to be true during the final match. Wiechert seems to be out of power. Trailing 0:2 to strong Ouschan, she even missed an easy 9-ball. That was probably a crucial point in the match. From then on, the mistakes accumulated and Wiechert could not find any remedy against her strong opponent. Ouschan switched to „business-as-usual“ mode and took rack after rack. In the end, the final result of 7:1 in favor of Ouschan is a true display of the final match. However, it can be regarded a huge success for Wiechert to have reached the final in a Euro-Tour event for the first time in her career.

Jasmin Ouschan (AUT)
Jasmin Ouschan (AUT)

„I had a rough start into the event“, stated Ouschan after the match, „I lost my opener and did not perform well. I had bad back problems before this event and I even had to cancel my participation into the men’s event earlier this week.“ „My back still kind of hurts but it got better and so did my performance. In the end, this trophy is a nice reward for all the pain and efforts“, Ouschan added.

The semi-finals were as different from one another as possible. While Ouschan determined her match from start to beginning and achieved a nice and comfortable 7:2 victory over strong Katarzyna Wesolowska (POL), Wiechert needed all her strength in order to defeat strong Russian player and current Nr.1 on the European rankings, Nataliya Seroshtan with 7:5.

The quarter-finals saw Wesolowska having an easy match with Kristina Grim (GER), winning 7:2. Ouschan needed some more effort to eliminate Caroline Roos (SWE) with 7:4. The biggest surprise was again Christine Wiechert when she ousted favored Oliwia Czuprynska (POL) quite clearly with 7:3. The toughest match was the all-Russian clash with the closest result in that round. Seroshtan remained victorious over her teammate Kristina Tkach with 7:5.

This concludes the coverage of the Dynamic Billard Italian Open events.

The event was hosted by the European Governing Body for Pool, the European Pocket Billiard Federation (EPBF) and organized by International Billiard Promotion (IBP). For further information and reference please go to the federation website eurotouronline.com, visit us on Facebook or check out our youtube channel for regular news clips or contact our press office.

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