Player of the Year 2015 – the vote is on!



The vote for this year’s EPBF Player of the Year is on…

Starting today, the public voting can be done on

Nominees for this coveted trophy are:

Kamila Khodjaeva (BEL)
Niels Feijen (NED)
Jasmin Ouschan (AUT)
Jouni Tahti (FIN)
Francisco Diaz (ESP)

player_of_the_year_2015_voteThey have all performed extremely well in 2015 and would all deserve the trophy. However, there can only be one player holding the title in the end.

The voting consists of three parts:
The public vote
The website for the public vote will be open from now on until March 20th, 2016. The votes then will be counted and points will be awarded to the players, depending on how many votes they have received.
The member vote
All national federations will get a vote and can support the athlete of their liking.
The Sponsor/Board/Special vote
Special individuals will also get a voting card and can help their favorite through the card.

All points through the three channels will be added and lead to the winner who will be presented during the player’s party of this year’s European Championships for Men, Women and Wheelchair Players in St. Johann, Pg., Austria.

Support your personal favorite and give your vote TODAY!

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