Jay Swanson Memorial 9-Ball Matches Released on YouTube

csi_newsCueSports International, Henderson, Nevada (March 3, 2016)CSI is pleased to announce that the 2016 Jay Swanson Memorial 9-Ball “The Swanee” matches have been released on the CSI YouTube Channel. Fifteen (15) matches featuring notable players such as Rodney Morris, Oscar Dominguez, Ernesto Dominguez, Vilmos Foldes, Amar Kang, and many more can be viewed in their entirety – absolutely free!

The 2016 Jay Swanson Memorial was held February 20-21 at On Cue Billiards in La Mesa, CA. The FREE live stream and recorded videos are brought to you by the following sponsors:

On Cue Billiards: 8308 Parkway Drive, La Mesa, CA, (619) 463-8759
CueSports International (CSI): www.playcsipool.com
Kamui: www.kamuitips.com
Cheqio: www.cheqio.com

Match 1: Amar Kang vs Larry Bohn
Match 2: Rodney Morris vs Doug Whaley
Match 3: Ernesto Dominguez vs Ramin Bakhtiari
Match 4: Rodney Morris vs Justin Logan
Match 5: Cesar Moffett vs Alfred Martinez
Match 6: Greg Sherrow vs Doug Whaley
Match 7: Shaun Murphy vs Sy Nakashima
Match 8: Johnny Kang vs Santos Sambajon
Match 9: Beau Runningen vs Damian Rebman
Match 10: Johnny Martinez vs Rodney Morris
Match 11: Rodney Morris vs Max Eberle
Match 12: Amar Kang vs Oscar Dominguez
Match 13: Rodney Morris vs Oscar Dominguez (Hot Seat Match!)
Match 14: Vilmos Foldes vs Ernesto Dominguez (Semi-Final!)
Match 15: Oscar Dominguez vs Rodney Morris (Final!)

Make sure to “SUBSCRIBE” to the CSI YouTube Channel to be notified whenever we upload new content.

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