US Open 10-Ball & US Open 8-Ball Championship Dates Changed

csi_newsCueSports International, Henderson, NV (April 5, 2016)The 2016 US Open 10-Ball Championship and 2016 US Open 8-Ball Championship dates have been changed to July 20-25. The two events were previously scheduled for July 22-29 during the BCAPL National Championships in Las Vegas, NV. However, the World 9-Ball Championship in Qatar, previously scheduled for September 12-23, changed its dates to July 25 – August 4. This created a conflict for players wanting to compete in both.

For the benefit of the players and the betterment of all events, CSI has rescheduled the US Open 10-Ball and 8-Ball Championships. Stage I of the World 9-Ball Championships (July 25-28) is a qualification stage and will have little impact on US Open 10-Ball & US Open 8-Ball Championship participants. Stage II (July 29 – August 4) was the primary conflict. By rescheduling our events to end on July 25, players participating in Qatar will have ample time for travel.

For those players not traveling to Qatar, we have modified the schedule of three other events to provide 11 straight days of non-stop opportunity in Las Vegas. We are hopeful that these schedule changes will provide all players more opportunity while minimizing costs. The new schedule for unrestricted/open events is as follows:

US Open 10-Ball Championship (July 20-22)
US Open 8-Ball Championship (July 23-25)
9-Ball Challenge (July 25-26)
10-Ball Challenge (July 27-28)
8-Ball Challenge (July 29-30)

We would like to thank Ian Anderson, President of the World Pool-Billiard Association (WPA) Board of Directors, for helping us quickly reach a solution that works for the players, sponsors, and promoters.

For more information on the 2016 US Open 10-Ball & 2016 US Open 8-Ball Championships, visit:

For more information on the 9-Ball Challenge, 10-Ball Challenge, 8-Ball Challenge, or any other 2016 BCAPL National Championship division, visit:

For more information on the WPA or its sanctioned events, visit:

CueSports International (CSI) / 2041 Pabco Rd., Henderson, NV 89011 / 702-719-7665 / 866-USA-POOL

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