2016 US Bar Table Championships Announced

csi_newsCueSports International, Henderson, NV (May 18, 2016) – CueSports International (CSI) is pleased to announce the dates and location for the 2016 US Bar Table Championships! The event will be held August 22-28, 2016 at Westgate Las Vegas Resort & Casino. This is a $20,000 added event with open and women’s divisions.

Mosconi Cup Points Events!
We are proud to announce that all three of the open divisions are Mosconi Cup USA Team points events! Players finishing in the top 32 will earn points on a sliding scale. The top three American players with the most points at the end of the year will be selected for the USA Mosconi Cup Team!

10-Ball Divisions: Aug 22-24
Open 10-Ball: Race to 7 / $5,000 added
Women’s 10-Ball: Race to 5 / $1,000 added

9-Ball Divisions: Aug 24-26
Open 9-Ball: Race to 9 / $5,000 added
Women’s 9-Ball: Race to 7 / $1,000 added

8-Ball Divisions: Aug 26-28
Open 8-Ball: Race to 5 / $5,000 added
Women’s 8-Ball: Race to 4 / $1,000 added

Master of the Table Bonuses*
Open Divisions: $1,500 / Women’s Divisions: $500
* must play in all 3 divisions to be eligible

How to Register
Online: www.playcsipool.com/2016-us-bar-table-championships
Email: entry@playcsipool.com
Postal Mail: ATTN: USBTC Entry, CueSports International, 2041 Pabco Rd., Henderson, NV 89011

How to Book Your Room (Book by Aug 1)
Venue: Westgate Las Vegas Resort & Casino
Online: https://resweb.passkey.com/go/SUSBT6R
Phone: (800) 635-7711, Group code: SUSBT6R
Room Rate: $59/night!
Deadline: Book by Aug 1, 2016 for the special group rate!

Aug 01 – Last day to receive the special hotel group rate
Aug 02 – Late fees begin / Last day for mailed entries
Aug 20 – Last day to register online

Diamond Billiard Products, Cyclop Balls, Simonis Cloth, BadBoys Billiard Productions, FargoRate, Magic Ball Rack, Matchroom Sport, CueSports International

CueSports International (CSI) – 2041 Pabco Rd., Henderson, NV 89011 – (702) 719-7665 – 866-USA-POOL

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