DCC 2016 Livestream and Dress Code Details


DCC 2016 Livestream and Dress Code Details

LIVE STREAMING by OrangeForks Productions

These guys are just awesome… Already set up everything and testing the stream during the Dutch Team Cup Finals..

At DCC they’ll be running 4 dedicated FREE Live Streams;

One of these live streams will feature 4!! angles. This will be called the „TV Table“ and will be set up in the arena on a 9-foot table.
One more 9-foot table will feature a single angle stream. The 10-foot table (also set up as an arena) will have it’s own dedicated single-angle live stream. The very exciting 2016 DCC – Loontjens 14.1 Shootout event will be live streamed whenever possible and within the given timetables.

The streaming will start on Friday June 17th. Featuring matches from the 9-Ball MAIN-EVENT, the ONE POCKET and 10foot 10-Ball Invitational (very exciting)..

DCC teams up with only the best in the business and because of the highly experienced Orangeforks team we can assure viewers of a very professional and smooth viewing experience!
Selected matches will be edited afterwards and uploaded to the DCC and/or OrangeForks website.
With commentary (*) from either Jimmy Worung, Graham Hickman, Joris van Amersvoort, Kevin Dijkstra, Arya Sohrabi, Gethin Davies, Melvin Reese and other Guests (please Like ’n Follow them on FB)
(*) with the exception of the 14.1 Shootout

Here’s are links to the pages (optional):



Getting question from all around about the dress-code at DCC…

There is NO official dress-code, like last year we allow jeans and sneakers. Like the Derby the athomsphere. However, we do NOT allow big baggy sweatpants and swimwear during the event !

DRESS SMART 😉 Nice jeans, polo-shirt and some good shoes to got with that.

– Team DCC

Predator Cues || Cheqio || Kamui Brand || Gabriels Billiards || Delta 13 || Clash Billards || Andy Cloth || Loontjens Biljarts || Serge Das billiards || OrangeForks Productions || Cyclop

Photography by JP Parmentier | JP Parmentier Photo & Graphics



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