Last minute update of the 4th Annual Deurne City Classic


Last minute update of the 4th Annual Deurne City Classic

Just over a week to GO and therefore we wanted to inform you of the following..

First things first.. to register for the 2016 DCC, the place to be is still:
WWW.DEURNECITYCLASSIC.COM or via the sign-up option on FB:

Here you will find detailed info about each discipline and when it will take place. You can sign up by following the instructions on the website.

If you have any questions concerning the tournament, payments and other details, feel free to contact us through the contact option supplied on the website or leave a message here on Facebook.

deurne_city_classic_2016_700px– SOME OVERALL FIELD INFO

As you all probably noticed DCC is becoming one of the highlights of the year on the pool calendar in Europe. This year we have a field that is hard to match by any standard. Players like Niels Feijen, Ruslan Chinahov Jayson Shaw, Nick van den Berg, Karl Boyes, Nick Ekonomopoulos, Ralf Souquet, Mark Gray, Stephan Cohen, Oliver Ortmann, Imran Majid and of course reigning champions like Joshua Filler, Alex Lely and not to forget some „DARK HORSES“ like Craig Osborne, Florian Scholl, Kevin Becker, Fedor Gorst, Alex Montpellier, Wiktor Zieliński, Marco Teutscher, Marc Bijsterbosch, Ivo Aarts, Cliff Castelein, Serge Das, Marco Sp, Lars Kuckherm, Tobias Bongers, Jan van Lierop, Nick Malaj, Pepijn de Wit, Alain Da Costa, Mario Stahl, Jan Wolf, Jelle Kijlstra and Tim De Ruyter make up the field this year. So worth the travel if you want to see them battle it out for the Mosconi Cup points that are up for grabs.


Predator Cues 9-Ball MAIN EVENT
Group A = 2 spots left
Group B = 8 spots left
Group C = 16 spots left
Group D = 8 spots left

The KAMUI Challenge is very popular among the amateur players and locals, more than 80% of the MAIN entries have secured a spot, be sure to add yours as well! (Kamui 9ball Challenge is open to players who fail to qualify for the 9-Ball MAIN-EVENT Last64 Single KO stage on Sunday)

Cheqio ONE POCKET = 4 spots left

Cyclop Pool Balls / Andy Cloth BANKPOOL = SOLD OUT !

Loontjens Biljarts 14.1 SHOOT-OUT = UNLIMITED

Gabriels Billiards 10foot 10BALL on INVITE ONLY = Still accepting request until Wednesday June 8th!

20, 50, 100 o 250 € . (Table type and setup TBA)
Will be organized throughout the event.


DCC will be running 4 dedicated FREE Livestreams.. made possible by our awesome OrangeForks Productions partner.

One of these live streams will feature multiple angles. This will be called the „TV Table“ and will be set up in the arena on a 9-foot table. One more 9-foot table will feature a single angle stream. The 10-foot table (also set up as an arena) will have it’s own dedicated single-angle live stream. The very exciting 14.1 Shootout event will be live streamed whenever possible and within the given timetables.

The streaming will start on Friday June 17th. Featuring matches from the 9-Ball MAIN-EVENT, the BANKPOOL and 10foot 10-Ball invitational (very exciting)..

DCC teams up with only the best in the business and because of the highly experienced Orangeforks team we can assure viewers of a very professional and smooth viewing experience!

Selected matches will be edited afterwards and uploaded to the DCC and/or OrangeForks website.
With commentary (*) from either Jimmy Worung, Graham Hickman, Joris van Amersvoort, Kevin Dijkstra, Melvin Reese and other Guests (please Like ’n follow them on FB)
(*) with the exception of the 14.1 Shootout

Here’s are links to the pages (optional):


Hotel and other Lodging (Deal) bookings:


With the professional work of Serge Das | Serge Das billiards our tables started to undergo their yearly maintenance.
Our new sponsor/supplier’s Andy Cloth will be fitted onto every single table in the house! The color is a bit different compared to what we are all used to, it’s a shade darker than the Simonis „Tournament Blue“. Not that big of a difference if you ask us.

Another debut this year at DCC are the slightly different, new(ish) Cyclop Pool Balls. Like the cloth change this will require some getting used to. Some colors are completely off and different than the regular Aramith TV balls.

DCC wants to help promote these premium balls in Europe as much as possible, therefore want to try and get them to as many different countries. And thus have set the max purchase @ 1 set per player. If you want to reserve a set, please let us know through a private message. We will keep you updated on the availability through our FB page.

See the photo’s in this post for a little impression of Ames and the new gear..


We would also like to take this opportunity to thanks ALL our sponsors and partners for the 2016 DCC.. WE APPRECIATED ALL THE HELP AND DEDICATION ! Of course without you all, DCC would not be what it is today.. You are ..

Predator Cues || Cheqio || Kamui Brand || Gabriels Billiards || Andy Cloth HQ || Delta-13 Billiard Rack – The True Triangle || Cyclop Pool Balls || Clash Billard || Loontjens Biljarts || Serge Das billiards || Ames Deurne || Total9Ball (T9B)

Official Photography by JP Parmentier of JP Parmentier Photo & Graphics
Press by Florian Scholl of

Global Organizing and Hosting by Harry Charalampidis
Tournament Setup and Direction by Gino De Ruyter
Design and Graphic, R&D, Marketing and Public affairs by Martin Sawicki, with the help of Mieke Smits
Misc Crew are Susan Verheijen, Marijn ten Thij, Tim De Ruyter, Bartek Skoniecki.

SEE YOU ALL @ Ames on June 16th for the 4th Annual 2016 Deurne City Classic !

– Team DCC

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