EPBF introduces European Rankings


EPBF introduces European Rankings

The European Pocket Billiard Federation just implemented as per now the new European Rankings.

These rankings will take place of the Euro-Tour rankings with regards to nomination criteria for intercontinental events. So far, the players have been nominated through the Euro-Tour rankings as well as the European Championships for WPA-ranking events and World Championships. The European rankings will be the decider for that from now on, together with the European Championships.

european_ranking_2016The difference between the Euro-Tour rankings and the new European Rankings is that the European Rankings also include B-sanctioned events. All Euro-Tours are included and points get multiplied by 2.0. The B-sanctioned events will get the same points but the factor to multiply them with is 1.5. Maybe from next year and onwards, EPBF will decide to also include C-sanctioned events in the rankings.

The first event to get the nominations from the European rankings will be the upcoming Kuwait Open.

The European Rankings can be found here

For further information please contact our press office press@epbf.com

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