OB Cues introducing our first ever Limited Edition Cue

ob_cues_newsOB Cues introducing our first ever Limited Edition Cue.

Now available for pre-order! Early release 2017 OB Cues Limited Edition. Only 100 of these cues will ever be made to honor our co-founder Royce Bunnell. This is the first Limited Edition cue that we have ever done.

rb_1_limited_ob_cue_1The OB-RB1 Limited Edition Pool Cue features an Ebony Forearm with 6 Redwood Burl Points (3 high and 3 low), Burgundy Lizard Embossed Leather Wrap, Ebony Sleeve with 6 Redwood Burl Points (3 high and 3 low). This cue also has a Straight Line Core (SLC). The SLC construction guarantees a cue that is straighter, stronger, more stable and stiffer. This means that your cue will be built straight, stay straight and hit great. This cue also has a Centralized Balance System which means that weight has been placed in very specific locations throughout the butt of the cue to create an evenly balanced cue with feedback that is both crisp and lively. It really has to be felt to be appreciated. Custom feel in a production cue!

Every RB-1 also comes with a free set of custom OB aluminum joint protectors and your choice of either an OB-1+, OB-2+, OB Classic+, OB Pro+, OB-XL+ or OB-XL Classic+ shaft.

rb_1_limited_ob_cue_2You can pre-order the cue with a December 1st ship date at www.obcues.com or from your preferred Billiard Retailer.

OB Cues are headquartered in Plano, Texas and is a leading manufacturer of high performance Pool Cues and Pool Cue Shafts made 100% in the USA since 2005. For more information on OB Cues or OB shafts or to become an authorized dealer, please visit www.obcues.com or like us on Facebook at www.facebook.com/obcues

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