OB Cues & DigiCue join the Eurotour


OB Cues & DigiCue join the Eurotour

The EPBF announced today that OB Cues & DigiCue will be part of the EPBF/IBPF 2017 pool season, featuring at all of their events. Texas based OB Cues, renowned for their excellent performance and craftsmanship in the cue industry since 2005 have come up with a new electronic training device for all cue sports, the “DigiCue”

“A small device that simply fits on to the butt of any cue and warns the player of fundamental mistakes that they are making with a discreet electronic vibration” said OB Cues President Shane Sinnott. “It has three levels, beginner, intermediate & advanced (pro) so you can choose to suit your own standard. It’s like having your own personal coach with you at the table, reminding you to keep down, follow through etc”

Digicue_Logo for website

Shane added “you should set a goal of playing a rack or frame without the DigiCue vibrating once you achieve this then you can move to the next level, a challenge which will help improve everyone’s game, can you beat the DigiCue?” Shane asks.

The EPBF/IBPF are pleased to have such a reputable company as OB Cues and their innovative training product associated with their events and look forward to its release later this month in Europe. “Europe is a continent where pool players take their sport seriously and are always looking for ways of improving their game” said IBPF president David Morris. “With Christmas coming up, it is an ideal present for any cueist, even if it’s only to beat their best friend once” David Morris continued.

You can see a video of the DigiCue in action here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YeXEy4ARYNw

Find you nearest OB Cues or DigiCue dealer here: https://www.obcues.com/pages/Dealer-Map.html

A list of frequently asked questions about the DigiCue here: https://www.obcues.com/pages/DIGICUE-Billiard-Training-Aid-Frequently-Asked-Questions.html

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