US Open 10-Ball & 8-Ball to be seeded by Fargo Rate

US Open 10-Ball & 8-Ball to be seeded by Fargo Rate

CueSports International, Henderson, NV (April 11, 2017) – The 2017 US Open 10-Ball and US Open 8-Ball Championships will be seeded based on players’ Fargo Ratings.

The US Open 10-Ball Championship will be held July 17-19 and the US Open 8-Ball Championship will be held July 29-31 at Griff’s, a beautiful new Las Vegas pool room owned by CSI founder Mark Griffin. The events will be played on 9-foot tables and will flank the 2017 BCAPL National Championships, July 19-29 at the Rio All-Suite Hotel & Casino in Las Vegas, Nev.

The US Open 10-Ball is a World Pool-Billiard Association ranking event; players will earn WPA points based on how they finish. Both events are part of the 2017 Mosconi Cup USA team points event series.

The top 16 of the 64 players will be equally distributed on the bracket by rating, with the top player in position no. 1, second in position no. 33, and so forth. The remaining 48 players will then be placed on the bracket randomly. This ensures a seeded player will not face another seeded player until at least the third round.

Although players with 200 games or more in the FargoRate system have an established Fargo Rating, eligibility for seeding will be more stringent. Seeded players must have 300 or more games in the system and at least half of those must have been played in the past two years.

The US Open 10-Ball and US Open 8-Ball Championships are both double elimination, alternate breaks, played on 9-foot Diamond tables with pro-cut pockets and Simonis 860 Tour Blue cloth, using Cyclop Balls. There will be $10,000 guaranteed added to each event with the champion of each pocketing $15,000, based on full fields.

The US Open 10-Ball and US Open 8-Ball Championships are being scheduled around the 2017 BCAPL National Championships, allowing players also to participate in the 9-Ball, 10-Ball and 8-Ball Challenges. Those popular events, which are open to anyone, will take place at The Rio All-Suite Hotel & Casino.

Register today at or call CSI at (702) 719-7665.

CSI is the parent company of the BCA Pool League and the USA Pool League. CSI also produces independent events such as the US Bar Table Championships, US Open 10-Ball Championship, US Open 8-Ball Championship and much more. For more information, visit or call 702-719-POOL.

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