Preview: 2017 GB9 Paul Medati Trophy

Pool players around the UK will be returning to Telford in June as the 9th annual Paul Medati Trophy once again takes place at the Park Inn by Raddison hotel.

Players of all disciplines, not least 9-ball and snooker, will have memories of Paul as a player and a genuinely great person. Paul started in the snooker ranks, becoming a professional player in his earlier life before turning to 9-ball. Paul played in the inaugural season of GB9 back in 2008 before sadly losing his battle with cancer shortly afterwards. Paul is remembered as one of the friendliest players on tour and was rarely seen without a smile on his face. The event was dedicated to Paul in 2009 and has been hosted every year since, becoming one of the most sought after titles of the year.

This year’s event will begin on the afternoon of Friday 23 June, with the main event concluding on the Saturday evening. Mark Gray picked up his second main event title of 2016 at this event last year and will be bidding to retain the title previously won by the likes of Craig Osborne, Mick Hill and Chris Melling in recent years.

Mark Gray (GBR)

The Pro and Challenge Cup events will begin on the Saturday afternoon and conclude early Sunday Evening. The free to enter Team Speed Pool event is back by popular demand after its success at the 2017 Midlands Classic and will take place during a dedicated break in play on the Saturday morning. Entry to spectators is, as ever, free of charge gives the perfect opportunity to see the finest shooters in the sport battle it out for what is one of GB9’s most prestigious prizes.

There are still a few spaces available in this event so don’t delay and enter now. Event entry closes to reserve players on 20 June 2017 but places are limited and will be on a first come first served basis. Further information about the event can be found on the event details page of our website.

In 2017 GB9 is proudly sponsored by Simonis Cloth, Aramith Billiard Balls, McDermott Cue, Rasson Billiards and Carlson Rezidor Hotels making the perfect combination of the very best equipment in the most outstanding venues.

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