World Pool Masters – 2018 dates announced


The World Pool Masters will return to Gibraltar from Friday, March 2 – Sunday, March 4 as some of the biggest names from the 25-year history of pool’s most prestigious invitational event return to celebrate the tournament’s quarter-centenary.
The Masters’ venue will once again be the Tercentenary Sports Hall, Victoria Stadium, with ticket details to be announced shortly.
The World Pool Masters’ return to Gibraltar comes on the back of the success 2017 tournament held in the shadow of the famous Rock of Gibraltar, as David Alcaide fought off a fierce field to land his first Masters title.

Commented Matchroom Sport Chairman Barry Hearn: “We are thrilled to be bringing the Masters back to Gibraltar. Matchroom have always had great success on the Rock with darts and snooker events and we were delighted with last February’s World Pool Masters at Victoria Stadium.

“In 2018 we celebrate 25 years of pool’s biggest invitational tournament, and we will be bringing back many past champions to help celebrate this milestone. We’ll be announcing these players in the coming weeks – keep an eye out for some of the sport’s biggest names, who will be heading to Gibraltar hoping to write the latest chapter in the illustrious history of the World Pool Masters.”
The Minister for Sports, the Hon Steven Linares, said: “It is great to have this event in Gibraltar again following on from the success of last year’s tournament. All the top pool players from around the world participate in this event.

“It will also attract a great deal of coverage on Sky Sports that promotes Gibraltar as an events destination. This tournament compliments well with all our other events we have during the year. So I welcome all players and officials to Gibraltar. So come and join us at the Victoria Stadium from the 2nd to the 4th of March.“

The World Pool Masters will be broadcast live for 20 hours in total on Sky Sports in the UK and on networks around the world. The World Pool Masters is sponsored by the following suppliers: RASSON (tables), IWAN SIMONIS (cloth), SALUC (balls), PREDATOR (cues) and ULTIMATE TEAM GEAR (clothing).

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