Partypoker Mosconi Cup launches fans‘ choice match

For the first time fans watching this year’s partypoker Mosconi Cup will have the power to decide which players face off in a singles match.

The players to contest the first fixture of the second day’s play on Wednesday, December 4th will be chosen by a Fans’ Choice vote, conducted at Fans will be able to select one player from each team with the player from each team who receives the most votes going head-to-head in Wednesday’s opening match.

The Fans’ Choice match has no determining factor on other fixtures, meaning the players taking part in the Fans’ Choice fixture can be chosen again that day by their captains. The Fans’ Choice vote will open on Wednesday, November 28th and close at 5pm on Wednesday, December 5th at

Matchroom Multi Sport COO Emily Frazer said: “The Fans’ Choice match is a great new addition to the partypoker Mosconi Cup and we’re all really excited to see who is chosen to play the match.

“The fans already play a huge role in the partypoker Mosconi Cup and we’re thrilled to be able to give them a real input into the matches played. It’s a great opportunity for supporters to see their favourite player in an extra match and potentially earning a big point for their team.

“As well as the Fans’ Choice we’ve also introduced a £250 cash prize for the best fancy dress each night of the partypoker Mosconi Cup and we’ll have a dedicated team working at the event to ensure fans enjoy a great experience at Alexandra Palace.

“We’ve sold more tickets than ever before and I know the players are really looking forward to playing in the special atmosphere the partypoker Mosconi Cup creates.”

The 25th annual partypoker Mosconi Cup takes place at Alexandra Palace, London from Tuesday, December 4 until Friday, December 7.

Tickets for partypoker Mosconi Cup XXV are on sale now priced from £25 per session, with season tickets available priced £90. Premium seating in rows 4-7 is available at £49 per session or £175 for a season ticket, with VIP hospitality packages from £155 per person per session with a season ticket priced at £549.

The 2018 partypoker Mosconi Cup is also sponsored by Rasson Billiards who supplies the Official Table; the cloth is supplied by Iwan Simonis and the Official Balls are Super Aramith by Saluc. Predator is the Official Cue of the event and Ultimate Team Gear provide all Mosconi Cup apparel. Team USA is supported by the American Poolplayers Association (APA) as their main team sponsor.

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