EPBF Sanctioned Event Ranking

In October 2017, the Board of the EPBF decided to create a ranking to upgrade the value of EPBF sanctioned events. The European Event Ranking was born. All EPBF sanctioned events except the Euro-Tour were to get points for their single elimination stages in orr to get a ranking by the end of the year. To even add more spice to the ranking, it was decided to nominate the two highest ranked athletes who are not yet qualified through other channels to the World Championships in the following year.

Attached is the final rankings for 2018. For the time being, we are unaware as to which World Championships will take place in 2019. We hope to get clarification soon so we will be able to determine the two respective athletes who we will nominate through the European Event Rankings.

Unfortunately, in 2018 the decision had to be taken to eliminate the results from the „Salzburg Open 2018“. This was due to the fact that the regulations connected with the sanctioning of the „Salzburg Open 2018 were not followed properly. All points achieved there were deleted.

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