Die Würfel sind gefallen! Die European Pool Championships 2020 der Herren, Damen, U23 und Rollstuhlfahrer werden im finnischen Tampere ausgetragen. Die Wettbewerbe werden im Mai in der Star Arena von Pirkkala ausgetragen. Das gaben IBPF-Präsident David Morris und der Chef des finnischen Verbandes Joni Ahola und EPBF-Vorsteher Gre Leenders bekannt.
Hier gibts den Originalbericht der EPBF zum nachlesen:
The Finnish Billiard Federation recently signed a contract with the IBPF to stage the 2020 EPBF Dynamic Billard European Championships for Men, women, U-23’s and wheel-chair drivers. David Morris, IBPF President, put pen to paper with the president of the Finnish Billiard Federation Mr Ahola, during the European championships in Treviso Italy.
“It’s great to be going back to Tampere Finland with this event again. Finland have staged some memorable championships in the past and we look forward to another memorable championships next year” commented IBPF president David Morris.
The championships will be held in May 2020 at the sports complex in Pirkkala at the Star Arena which is located on the outskirts of the city of Tampere. The official hotel is in the heart of the city next to the railway station giving easy access to all amenities.
The recent success of the Finnish athletes at the European championships in Italy has been rewarded with the 10-ball men’s final shown on Alfa TV station in Finland.
The Finnish Billiard Federation president Mr Joni Ahola added “ It’s an honour for Finnish Billiards to have the possibility to be part of arranging the European championships here in Finland. Naturally, we will give our best to achieve the highest quality for the whole event. Warm Welcome to all to Tampere next spring.”
The city of Tampere has a lot to offer for everyone and the local government are very keen on helping sports events materialize in the city. Sandwiched between two great lakes, there are plenty of places to visit during all seasons, an old industrial heartland, now a modern 21stcentury city.
Tampere is no stranger to the European scene as EPBF President Gre Leenders recalls. “Last time this event was in Finland was in 2002, It was the year of my election to become the EPBF President. I remember playing in a huge opera style house in the city and that everyone had a great experience back then. I really look forward to another super event and already thank the city of Tampere for their support in the staging of this event”
The Dynamic Billard European Championships are presented by Mapon and organised by IPBF/EPBF/SBIL. For more information, contact the EPBF Press office at press@epbf.com
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