Eklent Kaçi hat nach einem packenden Finale die Eurotour in St. Johann im Pongau gewonnen! Der 20-jährige Albaner behauptete sich im Endspiel mit 9:6 gegen Joshua Filler und verwies den deutschen Weltmeister auf Rang zwei. Damit konnte Kaci auch die Gesamtführung im Eurotour-Ranking vor Filler verteidigen. Auf Rang drei kamen Ralf Souquet und Damianos Giallourakis aus Griechenland. Hier gibts den vollständigen Originalbericht der EPBF:
In a thrilling and high class pool match, Eklent Kaci (ALB) took his next title at the Dynamic Billard St. Johann im Pongau Open 2019 by winning the final match over Joshua Filler (GER) with 9:6.
For the first time in a long time now, the #1 seeded player in a Euro-Tour event met the #2 seeded player in the final match. Today, Kaci (#1) and Filler (#2) made that clash come true so high class pool entertainment was guaranteed. And the final match kept the promise and fulfilled the high expectations. Both players played up to their limit, knowing that the winner of that encounter will be the #1 ranked player after this tournament. Players took racks in turn until the scoreboard displayed 5:5. Then, Kaci managed to get a 2-rack advantage over Filler, leading 7:5. Filler got to 7:6 when Kaci answered that and won the next rack himself. With Kaci being on the hill, Joshua Filler broke rack 15 but committed an illegal break. Kaci used that chance and ran the table to win the event and take his next title at the Euro-Tour.
Top Eight Finishers
1. Eklent Kaci ALB
2. Joshua Filler GER
3. Damianos Giallourakis GRE
Ralf Souquet GER
5. Konrad Juszczyszyn POL
Konstantin Stepanov RUS
Mario He AUT
Ivo Aarts NED
That concludes the coverage of the Dynamic Billard St. Johann im Pongau Open 2019.
The Dynamic Billard St. Johann im Pongau Open were played in the Sporthotel Alpina Alpendorf in St. Johann im Pongau, Austria, on up to 22 tables which are all streamed LIVE throughout the whole event. In order to be able to follow all the action LIVE, premium membership can be obtained at www.kozoom.com. Once a premium membership is held, all events for the respective period of time can be viewed LIVE. Additionally, a huge video gallery is contained in the website.
The event was hosted by the European Governing Body for Pool, the European Pocket Billiard Federation (EPBF) and organized by International Billiard Promotion (IBP). For further information and reference please go to the federation website www.eurotouronline.com or visit us on Facebook for regular news clips or contact our press office press@epbf.com.
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