Mosconi Cup: Fan’s choice is back!

Once again this year fans watching the partypoker Mosconi Cup will have the power to decide which players face off in a singles match.

The players to contest the first fixture on day two of play (Tuesday) will be chosen by a Fans’ Choice vote, conducted at Fans will be able to select one player from each team with the player from each team who receives the most votes going head-to-head in Wednesday’s opening match.

The Fans’ Choice match has no determining factor on other fixtures, meaning the players taking part in the Fans’ Choice fixture can be chosen again that day by their captains. The Fans’ Choice vote is open for seven days from 9am PT on Tuesday, November 19 until 9am PT on Tuesday, November 26 at Each voter will be able to vote for one player from each team.

Last year’s Fans’ Choice match saw Jayson Shaw take on Shane van Boening, but who will you choose this year?

(Quelle: Matchroompool)

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