Von Montag, dem 17.02. bis zum Freitag, dem 21.02., dürfen die Poolfans auf der ganzen Welt wieder abstimmen, wer den letzten freien Startplatz für das Matchroom World Pool Masters bekommt, das vom 26.-29. März in Gibraltar stattfindet. Jede Menge Topstars sind gesetzt. Wer verdient die Chance, sich mit den Besten zu messen? Hier gibts alle Infos zur Fans’ Choice im Original-Wortlaut:
The field for the 2020 World Pool Masters is almost full but now we’re handing the power over to you to select the final player to join the line-up, with the Fans’ Choice vote to open at 12:00 (UK time) on Monday, February 17.
You’ll have until 12:00 (UK time) on Friday, February 21 to cast your vote and we’ll provide regular updates on World Pool Masters social media pages throughout the week. Whichever player has the most nominations when voting closes on Friday will earn the final invite to the 2020 World Pool Masters at Europa Point Sports Complex, Gibraltar.
The star-studded 24-player line-up includes eight automatic qualifiers and 16 invites, with the Australian representative to decided at a qualifying event which takes place over the weekend of February 29 – March 1.
Defending Champion David Alcaide leads the line-up while World Champion Fedor Gorst and World No.1 Ko Ping Chung will both be looking for their first Masters title. The full line-up of players is:
- David Alcaide | Defending Champion (Spain)
- Ko Ping Chung | WPA World No.1* (Chinese Taipei)
- Fedor Gorst | World Pool Champion (Russia)
- Joshua Filler | US Open Pool Champion (Germany)
- Shane van Boening | WPA World No. 3* (USA)
- Skyler Woodward | Mosconi Cup MVP (USA)
- Ko Pin Yi | Highest Ranking Asian Player* (Chinese Taipei)
- Kelly Fisher | WPA World Women’s 9-Ball Champion (England)
- Jayson Shaw (Scotland)
- Alex Pagulayan (Canada)
- Eklent Kaci (Albania)
- Albin Ouschan (Austria)
- Naoyuki Oi (Japan)
- Matt Edwards (New Zealand)
- Jasmin Ouschan (Austria)
- Alex Kazakis (Greece)
- Niels Feijen (Netherlands)
- Johann Chua (Philippines)
- Francisco Sanchez-Ruiz (Spain)
- Casper Matikainen (Finland)
- Billy Thorpe (USA)
- Max Lechner (Austria)
- Australian Qualifier
- Fans’ Choice