faqFrequently Asked Questions

The following list contains answers to some frequently asked questions. Of course it is still not an issue to send me questions by e-mail, but you may find the answer here.

  • How does an event get listed in the Sixpockets.de calendar?

Theoretically every pool billiard event can get listed in the calendar. The only things needed for that are some details concerning the event, the host and the place of the event. It would be very helpful if you could send us a poster or image with a width of at least 500 pixels. Links to the event or to a facebook group are important information as well. We can’t have an eye on everything happening in the world of pool, but an e-mail will get our interest 😉

  • What can I do to get an article published in the news segment?

That is fairly easy. You just have to send us the article by e-mail. In order to make the article more interesting for everyone, we would like you to send us at least one picture alongside with the article.

  • At what point will there be a detailed report about an event or tournament?

Whether the event will appear in the slider on the start page or if there will only be a short report depends on the importance and size of the event. The size and importance of a tournament are determined by the number of players, the price money, whether there is a live stream, the amount of available online information and the the quality of the players. It goes without saying that a small event can get on the homepage as well if, for example, the host puts a lot of work into organizing the tournament. Of course, it is very difficult to write an article about a tournament without having a lot of information about it. For all future events it is crucial to have posters and/or pictures in high definition. Unfortunately, it may happen due to lack of time that we are not able to report about some tournaments. This has nothing to do with lack of interest 😉 Sixpockets.de is interested in each and every event or tournament!

  • Is it possible to publish my blog or other articles on Sixpockets.de?

Of course, we are always willing to publish your blogs or articles concerning pool billiard! Your articles should always contain pictures and/or posters. The best would be to send us an e-mail first to explain the topic you are writing about.

  • How is it possible to get tournament reports published on Sixpockets.de?

We are pleased to put every decent tournament report with pictures on Sixpockets.de. For this, it does not matter whether there is already an article about the tournament on our website. We would ask you to send us the article by e-mail if it does not contain to many images. Otherwise it would be nice if the pictures could be uploaded to a cloud like Dropbox. Furthermore we need the permission to publish the article and the pictures. This permission should be given by you in the e-mail containing the article. In addition to that you need to notify us if the photographer or the holder of rights of the images wants to be named in the article.

  • What do I have to do in order to have my material (Queues, equipment) tested by Sixpockets.de?

The best thing to do would be to shoot me an e-mail first. Depending on the product such a test can take a lot of time. It would be necessary to send me the product, which is not possible for pool billiard tables 😉 Naturally the company/person to whom the product belongs will be named in the report on Sixpockets.de. The report will be published on the front page of Sixpockets.de in the section “Im Fokus”. Of course, Sixpockets.de will not charge you anything for the test but it would be very nice of you if you would allow Sixpockets.de to keep the tested equipment. Of course the product will not be sold to anyone. At most it will be gifted away or used for a competition (lottery). Sixpockets.de will make a promise to every company or person interested in getting their material tested: These tests are absolutely unbiased and are done critically and objectively.

  • Is it possible to link Sixpockets.de on other websites or even to share the articles?

Surely we do not have anything against links on other websites to Sixpockets.de but we would kindly ask you to talk to us first. Besides, sharing articles of Sixpockets.de or uploading them to other websites is not an issue provided that you name the source of them.

  • What is the best way to contact Sixpockets.de and how fast will my request be answered?

The easiest way to reach us is by e-mail. One way is to use the KONTAKTFORMULAR, the other is to send an e-mail to mail[at]sixpockets.de.

  • Is Sixpockets.de free to use?

Certainly! All the information on this website are 100% free as well as posting your articles/reports here. Simply using links on this website (such as live streams) can bear a charge.

  • Size of posters/images/graphics

To publish an article in the slider properly every image has to have at least a width of 940 pixels and a height of 400 pixels. This means that a smaller picture can not be fitted, it must have the right format when we get it! If such a picture is not available, we will try to adjust the material sent to us. The philosophy should be: “The bigger the better”! Pictures concerning material reports will be taken by us.

  • Is it possible to publish articles/news/blogs in English?

Absolutely, because a lot of Sixpockets.de readers are English-speaking people! Publishing in English is not a problem as long as we get the article/news/blogs in English. For various reasons it is unfortunately not possible for us to translate your articles/news/blogs into English.

  • Information concerning pictures being published on Sixpockets.de

We always need the permission to publish pictures. This permission should be given by you in an e-mail. In addition to that you need to notify us if the photographer or the holder of rights of the images wants to be named on Sixpockets.de

  • Information concerning guest articles, blogs, news, tournament reports etc. that will be published on Sixpockets.de

For every article a permission to publish them is necessary. This permission should be given in an e-mail.