
Junior World Championships down to finals

17/11/2015 Junior World Championships down to finals Team Europe has come up with some quite convincing and successful results. In the girls division, Kristina Tkach (RUS) reached the quarter-finals. There she had to give in to strong playing Jiang Teng (CHN) with 5:9. Tkach committed some unnecessary mistakes and consequently lost the match. In the U17 division, Daniel Maciol (POL) managed to get revenge from last year’s defeat against defending World Champion Kong de Jing (CHN). Having lost in the same-finals last year, he dethroned Kong this year with a convincing 8:2 victory and proceeded into the final match against Zhen Xiao Huai (CHN) who ousted Kamil Szaszor (POL) by a whisker with 8:7. However, Szaszor achieved a Bonze Medal in the event. In the U19 division, Europe has another shot at a title. Maksim Dudanets (RUS) booked his seat in the final match against Long Ze Huang (CHN) with a 11:7 result over Lo Ho Sum (HKG). His teammate Kristian Cwikla (POL) had to settle for another Bronze Medal. He lost 5:11 to Huang […]


Dynamic Billard European Championships Youth 2015

In der kommenden Woche vom 21. – 28. Juli 2015 werden in St. Johann/Österreich bei der Dynamic Billard European Championships Youth 2015 die besten europäischen Nachwuchstalente auf die Jagd nach Medaillen gehen. Und natürlich zählen auch einige Deutsche Teilnehmer zu den Favoriten. Im letzten Jahr waren die deutschen Schüler und Jugendlichen die erfolgreichste Nation bei der Europameisterschaft 2014 in Portoroz/Slowenien, sie gewannen den Medaillenspiegel mit 5x Gold und 3x Bronze. Eines der hoffnungsvollsten deutschen Pool Billard Talente wird leider in St. Johann nicht am Start sein. Die Rede ist von Joshua Filler vom Deutschen Pool Billard Mannschaftsmeister PBC Schwerte, er wurde vom deutschen Billardverband leider für diese EM gesperrt. Warum und weshalb? Dies kann man in großen Teilen hier nachlesen —> bluewhiteball – Billard TV Interview mit Team Kiste, Joshua Filler und Ralf Mrnka. Aktuell sorgt Joshua Filler in New York beim World Tournament of 14.1 für Furore. Einige der Favoriten bei den diesjährigen Titelkämpfen sind u.a.: Cyriel Ledoux (NED – 2. Platz 9 Ball EM Pupils 2014), Jan van Lierop (NED), Diana Khodjaeva (BEL), Marharyta […]


Four medals for Team Europe and a chance for a title

Four medals for Team Europe and a chance for a title 18/11/2014 The two remaining European players on the loser’s side in this year’s World 9-Ball Championships for Youth in Shanghai, China, were Raphael Wahl (GER) and Patryk Statkiewicz (POL). Wahl met S. Myanganbayer (MON) in the loser’s qualification round. It was a one-sided match in favor of the German and even with a few mistakes committed, Wahl easily took the match with 9:3. Statkiewicz had a tougher opponent to face. Hsu Jui An (TPE) also wanted a spot in the single elimination stage of the event. The match was a tough battle between the two players. After 13 racks, the score was 7:6 in favor of Hsu. It was Statkiewicz’s break then. Both players seemed to be nervous and played bad shots. Hsu was able to win that rack and got on the hill with 8:6. The next rack turned out to be the final rack. Again, Hsu won it and ousted Statkiewicz with 9:6 after a hard fought encounter. As the last matches […]


Team Europe still on track but first players have dropped out

Team Europe still on track but first players have dropped out 16/11/2014 Team Europe is still in a nice shape at the WPA World 9-Ball Championships for Under 19’s, Under 17’s and Girls which is currently held in Shanghai, China. In the girls division, Kristina Tkach (RUS) and Marharyta Fefilava (BKR) were able to win their matches on the loser’s side. Tkach ousted Rachel Lang (USA) 7:1 and then had a thriller coming up against Xiong Shi Yan (CHN). Tkach took an early 3:1 lead but Xiong was able to pull back two racks from her to tie the match at 3:3. Tkach took a timeout and got some momentum from it. She took another two rack lead to turn the scoreboard to 5:3 in her favor. But China’s Xiong turned out to be a real tough fighter. She struck back and managed to tie the match at 6:6. Being on the hill, both players knew it was a do or die from now on. Xiong handled the pressure better and won the heartbreaker with […]


Youth World 9-Ball Championships on in Shanghai, China

Youth World 9-Ball Championships on in Shanghai, China 16/11/2014 The European Youth squad with the Youth Sports Director Sandra Hanf (GER) as their leader and Piotr Kedzior (POL) as support is currently trying to repeat their outstanding results from last year. The divisions are Under 17’s, Under 19’s and Girls. There are 24 players participating in each division, representing a total of 28 nations Under 19’s Joshua Filler (GER) had a walk over in his first round. He then got the better of Samuel Hui Sim/Zhong (SIN) with 9:4. The balls were rolling in his favor in that match. His teammate and fellow countryman Raphael Wahl (GER) had a perfect start with a 9:1 victory over Nasie Kotze (RSA). In the second round, Wahl met Liu Hao Wei (TPE). The match was really close and a tough fight for both players. After 14 racks, the score was tied at 7:7. Then Liu managed to get the upper hand and win the match with 9:7. That brought Wahl to the loser’s side of the bracket. Patrick […]


2014 Juniors 9 Ball World Championship

Vom 15. – 18. November 2014 findet in der Shanghai Huimin Middle School in Shanghai/China die 2014 Juniors 9 Ball World Championship statt. Die 9 Ball Junioren Weltmeisterschaft ist für den Nachwuchs die große Chance sich einen sehr begehrten Titel zu sichern. Oft ist dieser WM-Titel ein Sprungbrett um den Anschluss an die absolute Weltspitze zu schaffen. In Shanghai spielen die Junioren bis 19 Jahre (U19) und die Schüler (U17) sowie die Mädchen. Aus insgesamt 20 Ländern kommen alle der Teilnehmer dieser Junioren Weltmeisterschaft. Aus europäischer Sicht sind folgende Spieler zu den Titelanwärtern zu zählen: Daniel Maciol (POL), Cyriel Ledoux (NED), Maxim Dudanets (RUS), Kamila Khodjaeva (BEL), Natalia Seroshtan (RUS) und Kristina Tkach (RUS). Für Deutschland in der Kategorie der U19 werden Joshua Filler und Raphael Wahl in Shanghai am Start sein und beide haben sicher realistische Chancen auf die Goldmedaille. Selbstverständlich sind einige der größten Konkurrenten aus Asien und anderen Teilen der Welt auch dabei, dennoch gibt es bei der Junioren WM immer wieder sehr starke Neulinge. Weitere Favoriten sind Jefrey Roda (PHI), Liu […]


Filler and Maciol grab the Gold Medals

Filler and Maciol grab the Gold Medals The Dynamic European Championships – Youth, Seniors & Ladies Portoroz, Slovenia – 1-16 aug 2014 02/08/2014 The first medals have been awarded at the 2014 Dynamic Billard European Youth Championships in Portoroz, Slovenia. Joshua Filler (GER) won the juniors division while Daniel Maciol (POL) took the title in the pupils division. Filler has been one of the favorite players in the event. Being the defending champion in the pupils, he played his first year in the juniors division since he has reached the age limit. But also in the juniors, no one was able to stop Filler. He eliminated Tian Zhang (SWE) in the semi-final with 100:67 and won the final match over Spasian Spasov (BUL) with 100:47. Spasov, who overcame Daniel Tangudd (SWE) in the semi-final, was the underdog in the final. He fought his way through the chart and the second place is definitely a huge success for the Bulgarian. Maciol had a tough match in the semi-final with Patrick Hofmann (GER). He just managed to […]