Defending Champion Tkach out of women’s 8-ball individuals
23/03/2017 Defending Champion Tkach out of women’s 8-ball individuals After having received her first round defeat 1:6 against Tamara Peeters-Rademakers (NED) yesterday, defending Champion Kristina Tkach (RUS) was eliminated today from the 8-ball by losing 3:6 to Vivien Schade (GER) in the loser’s qualification round. A loss is something very unusual for Tkach anyway. She had one night to sleep and get over her performance yesterday. Today, She started with two more victories on the loser’s bracket, ousting Eylul Kibaroglu (TUR) 6:3 and Yulia Evseenko (UKR) 6:2. In the loser’s qualification round, Tkach had to stand up against Vivien Schade. The German had just lost to Marharyta Fefilava (BLR) in the loser’s qualification round and was probably steaming hot for a revenge. She went in the match with Tkach and tried her best to survive against the favourite from Russia. After 6 racks the match was levelled at 3:3. Tkach broke rack 7 and no ball went in any pocket. Schade found a difficult task in front of her since the balls were not in […]