
Eight Gunning for The Big Prize

It’s a wide open race for glory as the final 8 sharpshooters do battle Saturday for the 2015 MP Cup World 10-ball Championship. By Ted Lerner/WPA Press Officer Photos Courtesy Dong Secuya/ (General Santos City, Philippines)–After a long and tense day of duels at the highest levels of the professional game, the field at the 2015 MP Cup World 10-ball Championship in the southern Philippine city of General Santos has been whittled down to eight superb talents, all of whom have a solid shot at emerging with the title on the final day on Saturday. It’s nearly an all Asian-field, with three Filipinos, three Taiwanese, one Chinese and a Spaniard in the mix. It’s a heady cocktail of long time veterans and some of the great young players of the day. Interestingly, not a single one of the final eight players has ever one won a world title above the junior level. That, of course, will change for one deserving player come early evening on Saturday. Do you like your pool served up with a […]


Just Like Old Times

Swedish veteran Marcus Chamat dominates world number 1 Chang Yu Lung to advance to the final 32 at the 2015 MP Cup World 10-ball Championship. By Ted Lerner/WPA Press Officer Photos Courtesy Bob Guerrero (General Santos City, Philippines)–From the late 1990’s to the late 2000’s, the name ‘Marcus Chamat’ regularly featured on pool leader boards, especially the biggest events in the sport. The affable Swede  twice reached the semi-finals of the World 9-ball Championship, and finished in the top ten six other times. The last few years, however, saw the man known affectionately as “Napoleon” stay closer to his home of Gavle, Sweden. As a single father to a young boy and a pool club to administer, the calling of the brutally tough international pool circuit had to take a back seat. But on Thursday night in General Santos City in the southern Philippines, the 39 year old Swede turned back the clock with one of the finest performances of his career. Matching up against world number 1 Chang Yu Lung in the single elimination […]


Yalin Women’s World 10 Ball Championship 2013

Rubilen Amit (PHI) gewinnt Yalin Women’s World 10 Ball Championship 2013 im Finale gegen Kelly Fisher (GBR) mit 10-7. Den 3. Platz teilen sich Yu Han (CHN) und Tsai Pei Chen (TW)! In der Zeit vom 31. Oktober bis 04. November 2013 findet in Manila/Philippinen die 5. Ausgabe der Yalin Women’s World 10 Ball Championship statt. Bereits seit dem 26. Oktober laufen die Qualifikationsrunden, um sich für das Hauptfeld der besten 48 Damen zu qualifizieren. Das Hauptfeld der letzten 48 Teilnehmerinnen spielt in 8 Gruppen zu 6 Spielerinnen im Round Robin Format (jeder gegen jeden). Die besten 3 jeder Gruppe qualifizieren sich für die Finalrunde der letzten 24 wo es im Einfach KO (Race to 8) weitergeht. Die Gruppenerste ist automatisch im Achtelfinale und die Gruppenzweiten spielen gegen die Gruppendritten um den Einzug unter die letzten 16. Titelverteidigerin ist Ga Young Kim (KOR). Sie bezwang im Vorjahr Chen Siming aus China mit 10-5. Den kompletten Spielplan dieser 10 Ball Pool Billard Veranstaltung von 2012 kann man hier einsehen —> Yalin Women’s World 10 Ball Championship […]