
Buddy & Ewa Win Legends of Pool Championship

January 29-31,2016 The Villages, Florida Buddy & Ewa Win Legends of Pool Championship at the Florida Billiards Expo The Villages, Florida – There were numerous highlights where each pro shined, but it was the stellar play of Buddy „Rifleman“ Hall and Ewa „Striking Viking“ Mataya Laurance that beat out their esteemed peers for The Legends of Pool Championship. Six legends of pool reunited after 25 years, and day 3 didn’t fail to please the full house audiences of the 3rd Annual Florida Billiards Expo at The Villages, Florida. The Legends of Pool & The Florida Billiards Expo are sponsored by Fross & Fross Wealth Management, Rasson Billiards, Arden’s Fine Jewelers, Andy Cloth, Quantum Vitality Centers, Aramith Balls, Pool & Billiard Magazine, Taom Tips and Viking Cue. Sponsorships are still available. The events are produced by the Villages Billiards Club and Dragon Promotions. Event marketing and promotions by Orlando Synergy. Buddy Hall continued his undefeated momentum from Day 1 with a 5-3 win in the singles against Ray Martin. Hall got an early lead at 4-1, […]


The ANDY CLOTH 74th World Tournament of 14.1 2014

Darren Appleton (GBR) gewinnt The ANDY CLOTH 74th World Tournament of 14.1 2014 im Finale gegen Shane Van Boening (USA) mit 200-27. Den 3. Platz belegen Max Eberle (USA) und Evgeny Stalev (RUS). Am nächsten Montag, den 04. August 2014 beginnt in New York/Queens das 74th World Tournament of 14.1 2014. Bereits zum 74. mal wird der beste 14.1 Spieler bei dieser inoffiziellen Weltmeisterschaft gesucht. Dieses 14.1 Turnier ist in den letzten Jahren ein ziemlich großer Erfolg. Leider gibt es immer weniger Turniere, bei denen heute noch 14.1 (Straight Pool) gespielt wird. Für viele ist diese Disziplin nach wie vor die Königsdisziplin und das komplexeste Spiel überhaupt. Titelverteidiger ist Thorsten Hohmann aus Deutschland, er gewann dieses Turnier im letzten Jahr bereits zum dritten mal. Thorsten Hohmann gilt in der Szene als der im Moment wohl beste 14.1 Spieler der Welt. Er bezwang im Vorjahr Darren Appleton (GBR) im Finale mit 200-164. Darren Appleton stellte im letzten Jahr einen neuen Rekord auf, als er im Halbfinale gegen Francisco Bustamante mit einer 200er Serie die Partie in […]


Jim Rempe & Frank Stellman Inducted into the 14.1 Straight Pool Hall of Fame

Jim Rempe & Frank Stellman Inducted into the 14.1 Straight Pool Hall of Fame by Charlie Williams New York City – „King James“ Rempe and Frank „Sailor“ Stellman will be this year’s Straight Pool Hall of Fame inductees. Both men are still alive and well, and are due to appear in New York City for the first time in a long, long, while. Rempe made a huge impact on the pro pool scene from the 1970’s through the early 2000’s, while Stellman influenced numerous top players in the mid-west with his 14.1 teachings over a span of 60 years. Fans and players can attend the once in a lifetime special event at 7:00pm on August 6th, 2014 at Steinway Billiards Cafe during the 74th World Tournament of 14.1. It will be a star studded gala with billiard super stars such as Mika Immonen, Shane Van Boening, John Schmidt, Stephan Cohen, Johnny Archer, Darren Appleton & many more with Charlie Williams as the event MC. The ANDY CLOTH World Tournament of 14.1 is  sponsored by ANDY […]


The 4th Annual 14.1 Straight Pool Hall of Fame

The 4th Annual 14.1 Straight Pool Hall of Fame New York City – Pool fans are invited to have dinner with the world’s greatest players at the 4th Annual 14.1 Straight Pool Hall of Fame Banquet. The special event takes place at 7:30pm on August 6th, 2014 at Steinway Billiards Cafe during the 74th World Tournament of 14.1. It will be a star studded gala with billiard super stars such as Mika Immonen, Shane Van Boening, John Schmidt, Stephan Cohen, Johnny Archer, Darren Appleton & many more with Charlie Williams as the event MC. The World Tournament takes place on August 4th-9th and is sponsored by Andy Cloth, Kamui Brands, OB Cues, Amsterdam Billiard Club,, and Pool & Billiard Magazine. Official patron 14.1 aficionados are Stu Mattana, Tom Gleich, Harold Siegel. The 14.1 Hall of Fame Banquet is presented by Dr. Michael Fedak and produced by Dragon Promotions. „Every year the Straight Pool Hall of Fame sells out with over a hundred people attending. It’s a classy, entertaining, and emotional celebration of the greats […]