Playing Pool – The Missing Manual
Playing Pool – The Missing Manual 20 things that every pool player should know That’s the title of the new pool book by Patrick Baumann. „Another book about pool – come on…“ That’s what some of you might think 🙂 But this book is different, just for the entertaining writing style alone. It’s a pleasure to see with how much joy this author explains pool. It’s a strong recommendation for beginners and advanced players. For beginners it’s a great and easy to understand introduction into pool – for the advanced player it’s an entertaining overview of important pool skills. Congratulations to Patrick Baumann for this book… Give it a go! You’ll find a sample chapter below with the beautiful title „Easy does it, dude“ 🙂 Furthermore, you find some additional information at the bottom of this page about the author, another free sample and links to the website accompanying the book. About the book The book gives you the most important rules in 20 chapters to play better pool. You get the ebook for Amazon […]