The „Traveler“ by Arthur Queue – The All-In-One Cue Review
This is a very special article. The protagonist of this test is a cue based on a new and revolutionary concept by Arthur Cue and their lead cue maker Marcus Dienst from Frankenthal. The reputation of no other cue maker in Europe comes even close to that of Arthur Cue. Each and every cue that comes out of the production process at Arthur Cue is handmade and made of the finest materials one can use for cue production. Manufacturing extravagant cues with a lot of inlays and a complicated design can easily take 18 months; but even modest beginners cues are not produced in a few weeks. This is due to some carefully executed processes during the manufacturing process. This test is dealing with the all-in-one cue Traveler, which was developed by Arthur Cue in collaboration with the German full time Pool Billiard professional Ralph Eckert and firstly presented in December 2014. The premier took place in Frankenthal on 20th of December 2014 in front of approximately 30 interested people. The two main persons involved […]