LIVE Dynamic Portuguese Open


LIVE Dynamic Portuguese Open | Mezz Powerbreak Kai Video

Dynamic Portugese Open (POR)

The Dynamic Billard Portuguese Open will be LIVE on Kozoom from Thursday, April 23rd to Sunday, April 25th. A men’s and a women’s event will be held. For the first time in several years, the number of participants has passed the 200-player-mark in the men’s event. 48 Women complete the billiard-festival in Vale do Lobo, Portugal. Not Premium Pass holder yet? Click here to order it now and enjoy our multi-channel Live Page. All matches will be broadcasted.

Kozoom Livestream Portugal Open 2015Mezz Powerbreak Kai Presentation Video

Take a look at the close-up video of the new Mezz PowerBreak Kai break cue with grip that is on the store page. It shows the details of the cue a lot better than any picture can. Share it if you like it!

mezz-powerbreak-kaiPredator 3rd Gen 314 and Z – Now in stock

We just received some of the new Predator 3rd Gen 314 and Z. The 2nd generation 314-2 and Z-2 shafts that we have left in stock are now on Sale, so take advantage of the deals before they are gone !


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