
Mezz Women’s Swiss Open 2016

Kristina Zlateva (BUL) gewinnt Mezz Women’s Swiss Open 2016 im Finale gegen Veronika Ivanovskaia (GER) mit 7-3. Den 3. Platz teilen sich Pia Blaeser (GER) und Cristina Tschudi (USA). Wann: 09. – 10. Juli 2016 Spielort: Winner’s Billardcenter, Bümpliz Str. 101, 3018 Bern, Schweiz Disziplin: 9 Ball Preisgeld: ca. 3.700 Euro Favoriten: Pia Blaeser (GER), Christine Feldmann (SUI), Kristina Grim (GER), Veronika Ivanoskaia (GER), Claudia Kunz (SUI), Yini Gaspar (SUI), Kristina Zlateva (BUL) Links: Mezz Women’s Swiss Open 2016 (Facebook), Swisspool, Winner’s Billardcenter


LIVE Dynamic Portuguese Open

LIVE Dynamic Portuguese Open | Mezz Powerbreak Kai Video Dynamic Portugese Open (POR) The Dynamic Billard Portuguese Open will be LIVE on Kozoom from Thursday, April 23rd to Sunday, April 25th. A men’s and a women’s event will be held. For the first time in several years, the number of participants has passed the 200-player-mark in the men’s event. 48 Women complete the billiard-festival in Vale do Lobo, Portugal. Not Premium Pass holder yet? Click here to order it now and enjoy our multi-channel Live Page. All matches will be broadcasted. Mezz Powerbreak Kai Presentation Video Take a look at the close-up video of the new Mezz PowerBreak Kai break cue with grip that is on the store page. It shows the details of the cue a lot better than any picture can. Share it if you like it! Predator 3rd Gen 314 and Z – Now in stock We just received some of the new Predator 3rd Gen 314 and Z. The 2nd generation 314-2 and Z-2 shafts that we have left in stock […]


Small Interview with the MoneyBattle team from Holland

MoneyBattle is a new pool concept within Holland Where did Moneybattle come from? MB Team: MoneyBattle was created from 4 guys who love pool. We are all part of the pool circuit in someway, avid followers of pool in general and have many pool friends around Europe. We have all taken part in national championships, European tours and many national team and individual competitions so we know a lot of guys around the pool scene. Due to this we often hear, see or even take part in money games, some for big money. However we realised that not many people get to see these great games. Money games are a lot different to the normal competition games we play, so it brings out a different player and increases the pressure immensely.  This is great for spectating and means anything can happen and any shot can be missed. We decided that it would be a great idea to showcase money games from around Europe with some of the local and top players in the game. […]