
The Pageantry of Women’s Pool

AS THE 2013 WOMEN’S WORLD 9-BALL CHAMPIONSHIP BEGINS IN SHENYANG, CHINA, ORGANIZERS GIVE THE LADIES A SEND OFF FIT FOR QUEENS. BY TED LERNER – WPA PRESS OFFICER Photos Courtesy of Tai Chengze/ (Shenyang, China)–Anyone who has ever been to any kind of event in China knows the importance that the Chinese place on ceremony.  Everyone, especially the organizers, and other local dignitaries who didn’t even have anything to do with  putting the event together, are all given their moment to shine, usually with long winded speeches that nobody listens to.  Guests are made to feel that they are about to get the keys to the Forbidden City in Beijing. Often times food is involved, lots of it, as well as copious amounts of alcoholic drink. Teenage girls in elaborate get-ups dance to some loud and catchy song. Throngs of rabid photographers swarm the event recording it all. And so it was at the opening ceremony  of the 2013 WPA Women’s World 9-ball Championship on Thursday night inside the ultra-hip Richgate Shopping Center complex here […]


Women’s World 9-Ball Championship set to kick off this week

64 GREATS OF THE WOMEN’S GAME WILL CLASH IN HISTORIC SHENYANG, CHINA BY TED LERNER – WPA PRESS OFFICER (Shenyang, China)–From the ancient imperial city will rise the new queen of 9-ball. That’s the intriguing scenario this week as the world’s best women pool players take center stage in the beautiful and historical city of Shenyang, China, as the 2013 WPA Women’s World 9-ball Championship gets underway with qualifiers August 6-8, and the main event August 9-12. This is the 5th straight year that the Women’s World 9-ball Championship has taken place in Shenyang, which sits very near the border with North Korea. The city’s history goes back 2300 years and was once the very center of Chinese culture and society in the 1600’s, before Beijing emerged as the new capital.  Today the bustling metropolis of nearly 8 million people is one of  China’s key manufacturing hubs.  The main attraction for visitors today is the sprawling grounds of the fascinating centuries old imperial palace. Whether ancient or modern, it’s clear success and grandeur have long […]


2013 WPA Women’s World 9 Ball Championship

„Yu Han (CHN) gewinnt 2013 WPA Women’s World 9 Ball Championship im Finale gegen Lin Yuan-Chun (TPE) mit 9-1. Den 3. Platz belegt Liu Shasha (CHN), sie bezwang im Spiel um Platz 3 Tan Ho-Yun (TPE) mit 9-3!“ Vom 06. – 12. August 2013 findet in Shenyang/China die 2013 WPA Women’s World 9 Ball Championship statt. Die Damen 9 Ball Pool Billard Weltmeisterschaft gehört jedes zu den Highlights des Turnierkalenders. Die Events in China sind zumeist erstklassisch organisiert und haben ein reges Zuschauerinteresse. Auch dieses Jahr wird erneut in einer Shoppingmall gespielt. Das Richgate Shopping Center liegt mitten in Shenyang und ist ein sehr interessanter Austragungsort für die besten Damen der Welt. Im Vorjahr gewann eine überragende Kelly Fisher (GBR) im Finale gegen die Lokalmatadorin Fu Xiao Fang mit 9-6. Hier gibt es die Ergebnisse der KO Runde von 2012. Auch diese WM wird für die Europäerinnen und alle anderen nicht asiatischen Nationen erneut ein extremer Härtetest. Die Damen aus Asien, besonders aus China, Taiwan und Korea werden auch 2013 wieder deutlich in der Überzahl sein. […]