The Pageantry of Women’s Pool
AS THE 2013 WOMEN’S WORLD 9-BALL CHAMPIONSHIP BEGINS IN SHENYANG, CHINA, ORGANIZERS GIVE THE LADIES A SEND OFF FIT FOR QUEENS. BY TED LERNER – WPA PRESS OFFICER Photos Courtesy of Tai Chengze/top147.com (Shenyang, China)–Anyone who has ever been to any kind of event in China knows the importance that the Chinese place on ceremony. Everyone, especially the organizers, and other local dignitaries who didn’t even have anything to do with putting the event together, are all given their moment to shine, usually with long winded speeches that nobody listens to. Guests are made to feel that they are about to get the keys to the Forbidden City in Beijing. Often times food is involved, lots of it, as well as copious amounts of alcoholic drink. Teenage girls in elaborate get-ups dance to some loud and catchy song. Throngs of rabid photographers swarm the event recording it all. And so it was at the opening ceremony of the 2013 WPA Women’s World 9-ball Championship on Thursday night inside the ultra-hip Richgate Shopping Center complex here […]